Friday 4 November 2011



My collage magazine uses conventions such as a masthead and cover lines these are used to inform and attract the audience, I named the magazine ‘Wyke’ as it is the name of the college and the main image relates to the main cover line by implying that the girl on the front cover is the new student president, but not actually informing the reader of this. I have also used other conventions such as a 'splat' to draw attention to extra information that will be shown inside the magazine and a skyline to show the extra details of that month’s issue.

My magazine is aimed at Wyke students and to inform them of new upcoming events, as well as give them revision help and exam tips. The front cover contains the main image, of a happy student holding her work folders and a series of smaller images that show hard working students helping each other, as well as a student working individually at a computer, these images portray a happy and friendly environment.
The audience of my magazine was 16-18 year old, male and female college students. I decided to use unisex colours and keep to a simple plan so that the page did not look overcrowded, and was easy to focus on and read.
I kept to a colour scheme similar to that of the college, I used purple green and grey, which contrast with the red hair of the student and makes the cover stand out. I used a transparent grey over the main image so that the image on the t-shirt would not be a distraction and the righting would stand out to the reader.
From this project I learnt about the different conventions of a magazine and also improved my Photoshop skills. If I did this project again I would choose a person wearing a plan t-shirt as I think the logo on it causes a distraction.

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