Wednesday 23 November 2011

More Photographs!

The following are images that i took to use on the front cover. Only one of them is against a white background but as the models are wearing white i thought that it would be easyer to edit them in photoshop if they were against a different coloured background. Also i found that the lighting was better in this room.


The following are photographs that i took to use on the contents page and double page spread.

Magazine Ideas

Language - There is very little text on this front  cover, most of the text is logos of both the magazines and bands featured, however there is a small amount of test which is a sans serif type of font. The text is very bold and the red and white contrast with the black background. This magazing breakes alot of conventions by not having things like a screamer or kicker. 
Institution - Metal hammer is produced by 'Future Publishing'. It is a monthly magazing produced in the UK and usually features various metal artists. However it is also produced in several other countries by different publishers. Future Publishing is one of the UK's largest media companys and produces over 150 magazings for films, photography and video games, to name a few. The American version of this company (Future US) is a subsiduary of Future publishing.
Ideology - Metal Hammer  is one of the only music magazine that covers both the traditional and nu-metal bands as well as other sub genres such as punk, hardcore and gothic rock. The mean age of the readers of this magazine is 22, this younger profile is often harder to reach. Metal Hammer aims to satisfy fans of the more established and traditional metal bands as well as help to break new artists into the scene and to keep readers informed of everything happening in the world of metal as it reports on the British scene as well as all that's happening in the US and all around the world.

Representation - The main focal point is the image which takes up most of the magazine cover, this is alot more interesting than cover photos usually are as it is edited to make it look like the man is punching through glass and shattering it, we can also see two other men in black and white in the shards of glass behind him. The masthead is in a font which looks alot like cracked stone, this fits well with the name (metal hammer) and could also refer to the genre or etal music which is oftens seen as loud and heavy.

Language - The mast head is smaller than the other two magazings I have looked at.
Institution -'NME' is an abbreviation of 'New Musical Express' (MEDIA PACK)

Tuesday 22 November 2011

LIIAR Analysis

Language – All the text is in a similar front which is a sans serif type of font, most of the text is bold and stands out against the grey background. As well as the bold text flash's are also used to draw more attention to the main story and other extra information about the magazine. A range of photos are used on this front cover from studio photographs to location shots. The main focus is the medium close up of Oli Sykes, there are then smaller photos around the edge of the page that highlight different stories and giveaways within the magazine, some of the photographs are framed whereas others blend with the background.

InstitutionKerrang magazine is produced by Bauer media, Bauer media is Europe's largest privately owned publishing Group and owns over 80 influential media brands that cover a wide range of interests, and produces over 300 magazines in 15 country's. It also owns radio shows such as kerrang radio which has 1.3 million listeners making it the biggest commercial radio station outside London.

IdeologyKerrang promotes the newly emerging scenes of emo and thrash whilst also covering the scenes more traditional and influential bands. The mean age of readers of this magazine  is 22, this younger profile is usually harder to reach, and by having this it makes Kerrang have good advertising space for things like film and games, mobile technology and government messages. They aim to represent a balance of bands and scenes to guarantee that they are showing enough of each to satisfy there readers as well as introducing new artists, bands and scenes. They aim to focus on the biggest events that are going on each week. Also Kerrang! partnered with Paco Rabanne to promote Black XS to  give readers the chance to enter their bands to win a recording deal this cross promotion acquired 500 participants and resulted in a boots in the number of hits on

Audience – the reader of kerrang is someone who lives and breathes rock music, a trend setting individual who has a strong moral code and is heavily influenced by their music icons. It has many dedicated readers with 87% of the readers buying every issue. Its readers also have an 52% abc1 profile, showing that the average reader is very knowledgeable, even though the mean age of the reader is only 22. kerrang readers are also the heaviest music consumers , the average reader will purchase over 6 albums per month on average.
Representation – The main image is a shirtless man who is  covered in  tattoos , this shows that the magazine is aimed at a young, alternative audience and  also shows  that it is a magazine consisting of a rock/metal genre.  The word ‘kerrang!’ is in a  display font and appears  to look like a smashed mirror, perhaps smashed by the music being too loud’ kerrangs slogan is ‘live life loud’ so the smashed mirror effect could relate to this.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Music Magazine - Main Task

The Brief

The front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by me - minimum of four images.

Friday 4 November 2011



My collage magazine uses conventions such as a masthead and cover lines these are used to inform and attract the audience, I named the magazine ‘Wyke’ as it is the name of the college and the main image relates to the main cover line by implying that the girl on the front cover is the new student president, but not actually informing the reader of this. I have also used other conventions such as a 'splat' to draw attention to extra information that will be shown inside the magazine and a skyline to show the extra details of that month’s issue.

My magazine is aimed at Wyke students and to inform them of new upcoming events, as well as give them revision help and exam tips. The front cover contains the main image, of a happy student holding her work folders and a series of smaller images that show hard working students helping each other, as well as a student working individually at a computer, these images portray a happy and friendly environment.
The audience of my magazine was 16-18 year old, male and female college students. I decided to use unisex colours and keep to a simple plan so that the page did not look overcrowded, and was easy to focus on and read.
I kept to a colour scheme similar to that of the college, I used purple green and grey, which contrast with the red hair of the student and makes the cover stand out. I used a transparent grey over the main image so that the image on the t-shirt would not be a distraction and the righting would stand out to the reader.
From this project I learnt about the different conventions of a magazine and also improved my Photoshop skills. If I did this project again I would choose a person wearing a plan t-shirt as I think the logo on it causes a distraction.

Mock Contents Page


I love the teasing contents along the top because it tells you what else you can find in the magazine. The colour scheme is very consistent with the purple and green and the purple represents the colours of the college. I also like how you have a free gist available so that will entice the students to buy the magazine. The image is really good but maybe could be in a location around the college showing the college off.
Becky J

If I saw this I’d read it because it looks professional.

Overall good, nice colour scheme however the picture in the top right corner could be larger so that it is clearly visable.

Final Design

Screen Shots From Photoshop

Magazine Research

I looked at other magazines such as kerrang, NME, Vibe and Fashon. They all have a similar layout and use the conventions of a front cover, however some of them challange these conventions.

All Photos

I then started to take photos of and around the college. I am going to include some of these photos on my front cover

Medium Close-ups

Medium Close-ups

 I originally took this photo which is a medium close up of a student holding some books. i took it against a white background so it would be easier to remove the image from the background if i later decided to do so. The student is looking directly into the camera so it draw more attention to the magazine and look effective when on the page. However because this is a landscape photo if i later decide i want to keep this background i wont be able to.

This is another medium close up that i took. I took this image portrait so that if I decide that i want to keep the background it will still be portrait.