Tuesday 11 October 2011

Magazine Front Cover Conventions

Left Third - the far right of the page, the major news stories are usually placed here.

Mast Head - the magazines title, it is usually placed in the top left corner.

Barcode - Read electronically and decoded into usable information.

Splash - It looks like a visual splash on the page.

Kicker (Teller) - It leads you in and then explains.

Skyline – It’s at the top of the page, it usually informs people about offers or people/bands appearing in the magazine.

Graphology - The use of graphics it includes the colour scheme and design.

Colour Scheme - The specific/stylistic/ thematic types.

Screamers - Would be verbally spoken/shouted, with a '!'.

Cover Lines - The stories included in the magazine.

Sell Lines - The title of the piece itself, it is like the brand identifier and is usually found underneath the master head.

Credit - The name of the photographer.

Flash - Similar to a 'splat' it is a graphic that looks like a visual flash on the page.

Anchorage - A small amount of writing that explains the photos.

Price - The magazines cost.

Date - The date he magazine was issued.

Issue Number - A tally of magazines.

Teaser - A word or phrase that acts as an attention grabber.

Subtitle - A smaller headline that may summarise the feature.

Font - Size and style of the type face.

Colour - Specific/stylistic/thematic types.

Graphics - Graphical shapes to highlight features

Offers/Adverts Blurb - Banner style shape featuring free products/promotions.

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