Friday 14 October 2011

Annotated Music Magazine

LIIAR Analysis

Language - The main headline and cover lines are all in the same font, which is a sans serif type of font.

Ideology - A alternative music magazine aiming to inform its readers about the latest news and reviews.

Institution - The Magazine is made by a company called Bauer.

Audience - Individually minded people who are passionate about music. It mainly has a male basis of 15-35 year olds.

Representation - It represents a verity of bands and artists both old and new, and aims to inform its audience about upcoming gigs, events and recently signed and unsigned bands.

Annotated College Magazine

LIIAR Analysis

Language - The main headline and cover lines are all in the same font which is a sans serif type of font.

Ideology - They want to inform American college students about collage life and opportunities that are available to them.

Institution - The magazine is called college lifestyle, it is produced by a company.

Audience - The main audience for this magazine is college students.

Representation - It represents both the hard working and social side of college life.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Magazine Front Cover Conventions

Left Third - the far right of the page, the major news stories are usually placed here.

Mast Head - the magazines title, it is usually placed in the top left corner.

Barcode - Read electronically and decoded into usable information.

Splash - It looks like a visual splash on the page.

Kicker (Teller) - It leads you in and then explains.

Skyline – It’s at the top of the page, it usually informs people about offers or people/bands appearing in the magazine.

Graphology - The use of graphics it includes the colour scheme and design.

Colour Scheme - The specific/stylistic/ thematic types.

Screamers - Would be verbally spoken/shouted, with a '!'.

Cover Lines - The stories included in the magazine.

Sell Lines - The title of the piece itself, it is like the brand identifier and is usually found underneath the master head.

Credit - The name of the photographer.

Flash - Similar to a 'splat' it is a graphic that looks like a visual flash on the page.

Anchorage - A small amount of writing that explains the photos.

Price - The magazines cost.

Date - The date he magazine was issued.

Issue Number - A tally of magazines.

Teaser - A word or phrase that acts as an attention grabber.

Subtitle - A smaller headline that may summarise the feature.

Font - Size and style of the type face.

Colour - Specific/stylistic/thematic types.

Graphics - Graphical shapes to highlight features

Offers/Adverts Blurb - Banner style shape featuring free products/promotions.